What to pack for a Girl Scout Camping Trip

Camping is a popular pastime for many families. Some families may take their kids to Boy Scout Camp or Girl Scout Camp or Camp Out, while others may take their kids to the local State Park. It’s easy to just go pack up and go to Girl Scout camp, but if you’re planning for an upcoming trip to Girl Scout camp, you should know a few things so you don’t forget anything.

Waterproof matches

So you’re a Scout, or you want to be one, and you’re thinking about what you’re going to do this year. I have something I’d like to share with you! Don’t you think it’s important for you to be able to ‘prepared’ for any emergency you might ever come upon? Being able to make a fire, make a cup of milk, use a fish scale to find out if fish are safe to eat, make a fishing net, make a whistle, make a signal mirror, make a signal mirror signal mirror, make a hand mirror, make a fire starter, make a tinder, make a fishing line, make a snare, make a shelter, make a blanket, make a tarp.

It’s summer and you’re spending a lot of time on the beach, or having fun at the pool or the lake. You’re probably using swimming goggles, but what you need are waterproof matches. That’s what Girl Scouts are for.

Pocket Knife

Back in the day when I was in Girl Scouts, they taught us that the best way to lead a fulfilling life was to help others. Through Girl Scouts, my favorite thing to do was to help my fellow Girl Scouts with their hobbies, whether it was with sewing, cooking, or playing an instrument. It is because of these experiences that I fell in love with Girl Scouts and believe in the mission of helping others.

In the summer of 2016, a girl scout troop from a small town in north Georgia arrived at a national meeting of Girl Scouts, clutching a badge and a few copies of their handbook. What they wanted to do was nothing out of the ordinary: they were trying to earn the coveted badge for knife and tool proficiency. But they also had something else—something that wasn’t in the handbook: a pocket knife.

Waterproof tent

For the past few years, I’ve been a member of a local Girl Scouts troop. The girls in my troop and in my town are smart, kind and respectful. The leadership of our troop is one of the best examples of responsible adult decision-making I know, and I love it.

When you go camping, you must think about the weather, but also about your comfort. For example, you might want to have a tent to sleep in. But what if it rains? Or you get caught in the middle of the night without the protection of the tent? There are many options for making a rain or sun-proof tent, but one that is relatively new is the waterproof tent. This type of tent is meant to protect you from the weather. It can be placed in harsh conditions, such as in tropical rain forest or in desert, without fear of getting wet or catching the cold.

Sleeping Bag

One of the most important things a girl scout can have is a sleeping bag. That simple, inexpensive piece of equipment is a huge benefit to a scout on a camping trip or a sleepover. The right sleeping bag can be a lifesaver in a variety of situations, from a warm night in the back of the car to a chilly night in a tent to a cozy nights sleep in a cabin.

There is nothing wrong with camping, but you should do it with respect for the earth. That goes doubly so for sleeping bags. Sleeping bags are not made of PVC piping, they are not made of polyester, they are not made of polyurethane foam. They are filled with insulation, not plastic beads. They are made with attention to detail, not to fit in a bottomless budget.


Attending a Girl Scouts meeting is a great way to spend an evening, especially if you have a project you need to work on, or a new skill you want to practice. However, these meetings can be a little intimidating for a new scout or a scout who is new to a troop. So, to help new girls feel more comfortable, we have put together a list of ten things you can do to make a Girl Scouts meeting fun and easy.

If you are on the go, on the water, on the mountain, or even in the home, you can’t always make use of an existing light source. A flashlight is essential on the go, while camping, or while fishing in the dark. So, what’s the difference between a flashlight and a headlamp? The main difference between these two is that flashlights are designed to create light far distant from their source, while headlamps are designed to create light close to their source. And, while flashlights are small, headlamps are large and designed to be worn on the head.


Girl scouting campers get to experience a wide range of adventures during the course of one summer. They learn how to prepare and cook food, solve problems, and learn how to be responsible for themselves. Girl Scouts also learn valuable skills such as financial literacy, physical fitness, and other life skills. But perhaps the most important part of camp is the campfire, and there is no better place to learn about campfires than Girl Scouts: The Rules for Firebuilding.

Although you might not think of it this way, toiletries are actually very personal. Whether you are lying in bed or camping in the woods, the best thing you can do to maintain good health is to take care of your body. The key to keeping your body healthy is to learn how to take care of the things that keep you healthy.


In summary, the list above includes the basic items and essentials and allows you to plan and prepare for a fun and exciting camping trip with your girl scouts. If you have all of the gear needed for the trip, then you can enjoy the experience fully with your fellow girl scouts.

You can use the checklist above to make sure you do not forget anything when packing for your next camping trip. And remember, this list is not exhaustive, but it should get you started on the right track. Have fun camping!